The Elders approached me about taking some time off. Some have misunderstood that to mean that the Elders wanted me to go look for a job some where else. If they were thinking that, they never said it to me! This has been a long time in coming, almost two years. We talked, we thought, we prayed, we re-thought, we post-poned, we talked. Getting things done by committee is not always the most efficient way of accomplishing something. We finally came up with the plan presented to you via the e-mail letter. And, there are no plans for searching for a new church or the church searching for a new pastor, at least no plans I know about. I do have every confidence that the staff at GCBC is much more than adequate to do the work of ministry here. We are so blessed and for them I am most grateful.
My intent is to keep you posted via this blog. And, except for the week of vacation, I don't plan to be far from Ford County. I do plan one small motorcycle trip with my dear brother Kent Klotz who lives in Indiana. I want to pray, read the bible in its entirety, read some books on Christian counseling, and think about how to be more effective in ministry. And, I have a couple of book ideas that I want to drag out of the back closet of my mind and toy with. Three weeks is not long.
Please pray for me and for the church. My biggest fear is to waste this glorious opportunity. That is not my intent.