Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wedding Weekend

This weekend was a wedding celebration for  my son Drew and his beautiful wife Jamey.  It would be incorrect to say that they were married this weekend.  That had actually occurred earlier this summer in Carle hospital.  Jamey's father was in ICU and they wanted him present for their wedding.  15 or so of us gathered there and had one of the most moving ceremonies in which I have ever had the privilege of participating.  Sadly, he passed away the day after.

On September 24th, we gathered to celebrate their marriage.  And celebrate we did.  They planned a moving ceremony full of love and emotion.  Personal vows were written and read.  Music was played that reflected their love and commitment.  After the ceremony, we moved into a pavilion for roasted hog, potatoes, green beans, and some of the best cupcakes I have ever eaten.  There was live music, dancing, and wine.  People laughed, some cried, a lot visited and, as far as I know, a good time was had by all.  

I am very grateful for a blessed day and even more grateful for having a blessed family.  To God be the Glory.

Surprise Surprise!!!!!

Some surprises are not very nice.  I was diagnosed with cancer this summer - surprise - not nice.  Some surprises are awesome.  My wonderful daughter calls her mother and me and informs us that she is married.  She had done what she had said she would do - eloped.  I guess it should not have been a complete surprise. She and Tyler, a handsome young man she had dated since high school, had decided to be a bit less traditional and do a "ten dollar - ten minute" wedding.  It was not a spontaneous decision on their part.  They had thought long and hard about it.

So I now have a son-in-law.  He loves my daughter and is very good to her.  I am grateful to have him as an addition to our family.  They are doing well.  Now, if they will only surprise me with some grandchildren!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Things In The Air

I am back.  I left the blog world and moved over to the Caring Bridge world because of recent health issues.  And, it has been a whirl-wind summer.  I am still having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that my two older children are married - both in unusual circumstances  and I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  All of that I will write about in this blog.  But, I also want to write about stuff I have seen in the air this summer.  I am always looking up.  It is amazing what you can see if you do.

The above plane is an Air Tractor AT502.  Better known to us as a "crop duster".  It is registered in Colorado, actually.  But it was spraying a field near my house this summer.  It is a beautiful plane - especially the bright yellow against a clear blue sky.

Watching a crop duster is like watching a private air show.  The pilot dips and turns and twists with amazing dexterity.  And, it is pretty exciting to see a plane that low that close. 

Looking up helps me keep perspective.  It can also be pretty entertaining.