Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We are rejoicing with Andrew that he has graduated with his Masters from the University of Illinois in Springfield. The program is called PAR - Public Affairs Reporting. PAR involves class room work and an internship. Andrew has been working at the state capital and has gotten a whole other education reporting on state politics, especially during the events of this past year.

Now he faces the rather perilous pursuit of a job. The current economic climate causes some concern as does the state of journalism as a whole. Newspapers are struggling thanks in large part to the internet. We are praying for Andrew and asking the Lord to give him wisdom as he continues to seek where he should live and what he should do. In the mean time, if it is not evident in the picture, we are proud parents and thankful for his diligence. The time has flown by. It seems like we were just preparing him for kindergarten.

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