Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Copper Island

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Parking Lot
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Summer Time Worry

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
View over the Tail
I shot this from the top turret position. Imagine looking back over the tail and seeing bunches of other B-17s and . . . BF109s and ME262s and FW190s. The skin on the plane is mighty thin.
Landing back at Willard airport. We were in the air about 30 minutes. We were on the plane for 45. Since we were the first flight, we were on board for the engine run up at the beginning of the day. That was exciting! They offered ear plugs, but I wanted the full effect. It was not possible to carry on a conversation because of engine noise.
Cockpit and Interior (new)
It is amazing how the props seem to stand still. I assure you that they were turning!
The interior of the B-17, from front to back to front.
B-17 Video from the Bombardier position
What a great view! I am sure it was a lot more exciting sitting behind the plexiglass when people were shooting at you. It was the "quietest" spot in the plane. That was, of course, relative.