Summer Time! Time for sippin' lemonade, laying in the hammock, watching the lightning bugs and life is good. Enter the mosquito. The mosquito is an amazing insect. It plunges its needle like proboscis into your skin and draws out blood which it needs to survive. And, that makes me worry. For one thing, I am a mosquito magnet. For another, I usually get some pretty big welts when bitten. But, the BIG worry is West Nile Virus. My idillyic summer relaxation is disruped by the buzzing of this bug around my head. With the buzzing comes the worry. Jesus said, Don't let your hearts worry, don't be afraid. But, how we love to worry, even in the relaxed atmosphere of summer time. Worry is not only a pest - it is a sin. What are we to do? For one thing, we can talk to ourselves, remind ourselves of the grace and goodness of Christ. We can remind ourselves that Jesus told us to trust Him even when we can't understand all that is taking place and when we don't agree with all that is taking place. And, we can wait for faith to become sight - hope to become reality. We can combat our worry with the promises of God, swatting at them whenever they begin to assualt us. There are some folks who should be worried and are not. Like the farmer Jesus told of who built bigger barns but paid no attention to His eternal destination. Summer time - it is time to relax and seek grace to not worry, except about what really matters.
I'm not much into planes except as a passenger to get from one point to another. I did, however, look up into the section of that plane where they stored the bombs.
Thanks for your thoughts on "worry", though with me it isn't always limited to summer time.
leave it to you to use a word like proboscis... but it still doesn't top PROPENSITY!
by the way, we were in church when we got a text pic of the B-17. josh almost started crying. i'm sure he will be *cough* happy to know that you got to take a joy ride (apparently over my mom's house in savoy while i was on the phone with her).
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