Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Crunchy Night

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Some changes are good. Edith was married to my dad during the last years of his life. She provided amazing care for him and went far above the call of duty. She served sacrificially and we are indebted to her for it. Now, she has a very nice home at a nice location. She has made new friends and has found a new church. It was good to visit her.
One thing that did not change - it was awesome to get home!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Trying New Things

Skyline Chili. I was in Cincinnati, Ohio this week. Well, actually I stayed in Hebron, Kentucky which is just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati. My reason for being there involves a rather long story. Regardless, I was there with friend and I had been told that I must try the Skyline Chili. Skyline is a chain of restaurants. Their chili is well known because of the "secret" recipe. I do not know all that was in it, but I do know it has cocoa and cinnamon. Cocoa and cinnamon sound good, but not necessarily together in a bowl of chili and cheese. But, it was surprisingly good - different - but good. It is good to try new things. We all get stuck in routines. Care must be given to not simply use boredom as an excuse to indulge sin. But, there are plenty of things out there that we can try that are different from our norm. Here is an example, I use to love to make mayonnaise sandwiches and dip them in chocolate milk. Don't knock it till you have tried it!
Next time you are near Cincinnati - try the Skyline Chili. Or, if you are really adventurous, try a mayo and chocolate milk lunch. Yum!
Friday, November 6, 2009

Variety of Experiences

Last evening, the "Illini Quarterback Club" hosted Gibson City. The IQBC has been in existence for 68 years. When the football team is away then they have a Thursday evening meal and a live hour long call in radio show. When the team is home then the club hosts a Friday luncheon. They invite different towns to come as guests.
It was a fun evening on several fronts. Participating in the live radio broadcast was exciting. Being there last evening was good because the Illini had won last weekend and everyone was living off of the glow of that victory. Seeing Ron Zook up close (we were 10 feet apart) was pretty cool. The setting was awesome. The event was located in the "Colonnades Club" at Memorial Stadium. It would be really, really nice to watch a football game from there. The food was good and the company entertaining and the conversation interesting. The coach takes questions from the audience both during the live broadcast and during breaks. The questions asked during the breaks tend to be a bit more interesting. He also interacts with folks who call in with comments and questions.
I was a bit out of place. The only orange and blue I own are of a more casual nature. However, I did feel better when I saw that there was at least one other who did not wear orange - Ron Zook. We were dressed pretty much alike!
The whole experience was not one I would necessarily pursue. In the end, however, it was very enjoyable. I continue to be surprised and amazed at the different experiences that come into my life. Riding in a combine, flying in a Cessna 172 to Pontiac for coffee, going fishing at Clinton Lake, watching my son play basketball, teaching my daughter to drive, and on and on it goes. It is humbling and I am grateful.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

There is something about getting up and out as the world around me is waking up. I usually walk to where I eat breakfast. It takes me ten minutes and by the time I get to the restaurant I am wide awake. By the time I am done with breakfast I am so wired from drinking coffee that I need to walk home just to calm down. At home I drink two cups a coffee in the morning. When I eat out I drink two gallons of coffee in the morning.
Today I had the joy of having breakfast with my oldest son. I was deeply humbled. For one thing, and some of you know what I mean, we talked as man to man. That is a significant transition for both of us. Not that our conversation was necessarily "deep" or that we forgot we were son and father. And, he asked me my perspective on some concerns in his life. I have had to fight offering up too much advice and trying to be a fix-it person. The Lord has been teaching me to wait on Him. I was very pleased and humbled (forgive the repetition) that Drew would ask.
Go out to breakfast. Watch the world wake up over a plate of bacon and eggs. Spend the early part of a day conversing with someone you love. Don't worry about the cholesterol. Enjoy the glory of a sunrise and the pleasure of the food and bless God for His goodness in your life.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wild Hogs - NOT!

Monday, October 12, 2009
Blogging and Slogging

ISS Up and Away

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Last evening, about 10:30, I saw Uranus for the first time. I was using my 10 inch dob telescope with a 17mm eyepiece. The sky was amazing. It literally looked like black velvet with diamonds. Uranus is hanging in the East/South-East sky just under the constellation Pisces.
Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun and the 3rd largest. It was discovered in 1781. It is 1.6 billion miles from earth and, the best I can figure, it takes the light over two minutes to reach us.
I had been looking for it through my 120mm refractor the night before but with no joy. It was very exciting to see another part of our solar system. So far, I have been able to view Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Neptune is next on my list. I doubt I will ever see Pluto (I still consider it a planet) or Earth.
Know that what I saw was nothing like the above image. It was more like this - small but had a beautiful bluish hue. Oh the glory of God in creation!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My first experience in riding happened in high school. The Williamson brothers had motorcycles and let me join them on their bikes. I was hooked. I bought my first motorcycle while I was in college. Byron MaGee sold me his street Yamaha 250. I had no license and no title for the bike until I sold it. It was fun to ride but not exactly what I was looking for. There were miles and miles of trails through the woods where I lived. I needed a dirt bike. So, I traded the Yamaha for a Kawasaki KA125. I stripped the lights and license plate off and road it many, many miles through the woods. And, there were cow trails through Kasatchie National Forest that were a blast to ride. Reggie, Gene, Greg, Jake, and Bruce all had bikes and also loved to ride in the woods. The Kawasaki was wearing out so I sold it and bought a Yamaha YZ125. It was a dirt bike par excellence. It would climb a tree if you let it. Life was changing for me, however. My time near the woods was getting less and less. Connie Jo Stahl was in my life and I needed money to buy an engagement ring. I was moving to Indiana to attend Grace Seminary. The Yamaha had to go. I was in my mid 20s and for the first time in a while found myself without a motorcycle.
Fast forward to about 8 years ago. A man in the church I pastored had bought a Harley and had his Yamaha 750 Virago for sell. It was a "Cruiser" and in good shape. He agree to sell it to me and I had a blast with it. I put a windshield on it and painted it blue with red flames. But, it had some quirks. It was very hard to start and had a slight oil leak. It was an older bike and getting a bit creaky. So, I decided to sell it and go bike-less.
A gentleman heard of my desire to find another motorcycle and made me an offer I could not refuse on the motorcycle pictured here. It is a 1996 Honda CBR1000F. Some call it a C - Rocket. A name I don't like. I prefer "Sport Touring". It is a fun motorcycle to ride. It may not look comfortable, but it is. The bike is smooth running and dependable. The longest ride I have taken has been 300 miles. I wear a helmet and usually have on a leather jacket - not for looks - but in case of a spill.
I am asked if I am afraid on a motorcycle. I don't trust cars when I am riding. People may not see you and I never assume they do. I try to be careful and wear the appropriate safety equipment. I do not take chances and am not in a hurry on the bike. There is something about being in the open air - the smells, the temperature changes, the wind - all are fresh on a bike. And, I have met wonderful folks who also ride. Some Harley folks don't like the fact I ride a Honda and I am okay with that.
One day I will be done riding. Even now I get cramps in my hips and I find throwing my leg over the seat a little bit more difficult. But, right now I enjoy the ride.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Decisions, Decisions

Monday, August 24, 2009
To Beard or Not To Beard

Monday, August 17, 2009
This is a picture of a sunset from Navarre Beach, Florida. I made it the last evening of our vacation. Pictures capture memories, or at least they try. The three weeks of sabbatical and one week of vacation are now memories. What did I learn? I kept a sabbatical diary of sorts and want to share portions from my daily diary. They are random and may be a bit confusing. If you don't read any more of this post, please read this - I was very thankful to disengage for a while - but I am also very thankful to be back.
* Home by 3:00 P.M. following a funeral. Fried fresh catfish - yum.
* Morning motorcycle ride with two men from the church. Afternoon in my temporary office. What do I want to accomplish? I don't want to waste the time, it is a sacred trust. But, I don't want the crushing feeling of having to squeeze something from every minute either. Balance!
*Finished the book "When People Are Big and God Is Small". Reading through the Bible.
*Visited church in Bloomington. Only one person spoke to me.
*Finding out the church gets along fine without me. None of us are indispensable.
*Started book "How People Change". Storm broke out, power went out. Hardest thing is prayer - isn't that terrible?!?
*Read 1st and 2nd Kings today. So much death, disobedience, and destruction. It takes time to get used to being off and then, when I do get use to it, it is time to go back. Unharnessing is hard, perhaps getting back in the saddle is harder.
*Went to an Episcopalian Church today. Much different than I am use to - but - I appreciated it. The chapel was very God oriented. The worship service was as well, but, I can see where it can become very rote.
*Praise God for friends!
*Lessons from the sabbatical:
1. Professionalism is dangerous to the pastorate. It is possible to move from being a pastor to being a professional, a suptle but deadly way of viewing ministry.
2. Disengaging from the daily responsibility of pastoring is good, but harder than I thought.
3. Personal discipline is a key to spiritual growth. Rest is part of personal discipline.
4. Cynism is an enemy to ministry.
5. The Holy Spirit works in ways we sometimes dismiss at worst, overlook at best.
6. Spiritual health can be faked but not before God.
7. I pastor a wonderful church and am humbled.
8. The Bible is food and water for all of life.
9. Time flies.
10. My family is a precious gift.
Thanks to the church for giving me the time away and thanks to everyone who filled whatever holes my absence created.
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Old and New
Friday, July 10, 2009
Unexpected Blessings
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Golf Gulf
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I grew up in this house in central Louisiana. It was a wonderful place to live. There was a pond behind the house and thousands of acres of woods around it. We lived next door to a national forest. There were some downsides, not the least of which was the heat. Growing up, we had no air conditioning. An attic fan provided the only ventilation in the evenings. And, more often than not, in the middle of the summer it only moved hot air. My brother was older than me and his bed was next to the window so I was second in line for the breeze. I remember the evenings as hot and, since the windows were open, noisy. Lots and lots of bug sounds, owls, and a variety of other night creatures created a cacophony of sound. It was like a natural orchestra. A few things helped relieve the heat. One would be a thunderstorm. The other would be damp dish towels. And, sometimes, Tim and I went out on the roof. But, to be honest, I did not really mind the heat too much. You do get acclimated and we knew no better. The vast majority of people around us did not have A/C either. Our cars, at least when I was a kid, did not have A/C. So, I have lived with it and without it. I prefer having it, but know that it is entirely possible to get along just fine without it. In many ways, it really is a luxury. Anyway, today it is hot and muggy in East/Central Illinois. Reminds me a bit of Louisiana.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Longest Day

Monday, June 8, 2009
Stars and ISS
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hoss Update
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Keeping Up Appearances
He soars over the rim and jams it home! Boom! Move over Shack. Get out of town LeBron. Aaron is going to school you. He is a good 2 feet over the rim - and still less than 6 foot tall. No more retirement worries for me, baby. NBA by the time he is 18. Yeah! It is Hummer time.
And yet and alas. Someone told me it does not count if the rim is only set at 7.5 feet. Even Keith Gaesser could dunk at that height. But, just looking at the picture from here, it sure looks like he is flying.
It is all about the appearance. People say that pastoring is not dangerous. I work with wonderful people, spend a lot of time in a church building, and am surrounded by great books. The most precarious part of my day is the walk/drive to and from the building. But, there are dangers not so obvious and I am not talking about germs. I am talking about seeming to soar over the rim when it is only set at 7.5 feet. I am talking about keeping up appearances and maintaining perceptions. Talking about praying but not praying. Talking about holiness wihtout being holy. Talking about God without bothering to getting to know Him.
And, the Lord shows such grace and patience. He brings people and circumstances into my life to bring me back to the reality. He is faithful!
In the mean time, Aaron will keep jamming it home at 7.5 feet. And, he is still growing. Maybe, just maybe!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sermon Work
An oxymoron - "sermon work"? It can be. It is easy to get sermons via the internet. One pastor used to say that he did not work his sermons up, he got his sermons "down". Meaning they came directly from the throne room of the Lord. That would be nice. And, in some ways, the Word and the Spirit do work together to produce the message through a human vehicle. More often than not, however, rather than receiving post cards from heaven messages arrive through the work of study, prayer, and thought.
Sometimes I am asked how difficult it really is to prepare a sermon. Sometimes it is very difficult and sometimes not so much. Occasionally it just flows. More often than not, however, it is laborious. I say it is a bit like giving birth, but saying that gets me in trouble every time. (We'll see!) The hardest part for me is the application. I mean that in two ways. How does this sermon apply to the hearers? What should they do with the truth of this text? The second struggle with application is more personal. How does this text apply to me and how am I seeking to live out the reality of it? Jesus warned about those who teach one thing and live another. There are certain topics that I blanch about when I preach on them. Suffering, for one. All people suffer to some degree or other. But, in the face of the catastrophic suffering some folks in the congregation go through, my pain seems a bit trivial.
As Tommy Snooks and Bessie Brooks
were walking out on Sunday,
Said Tommy Snooks to Bessie Brooks,
Tomorrow will be Monday.
And that is in the front of my mind - tommorow is Monday and what will this message mean then - when the saints move out into the homes and jobs. That is the application. Living out our faith in the context of the world into which God has called us with His glory in mind.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Dear Deer! NOT!

Monday, April 20, 2009
Hobby - Help? Hinderance?
I have two hobbies that I will admit to. One is the collection of diecast airplanes. It is a rather innocuous hobby. Here is a photo of one. It is an A-10 Thunderbolt. If you could see the tail (or vertical stab for your airplane aficionados) you would see the designation EL which means it is a model painted in the scheme of A-10s which were with the 23rd TFW and stationed at England

The other hobby is astronomy. (There is a theme here - both require looking up). It can be an expensive hobby. I looked at a telescope advertised on the web today. This is a "personal" telescope mind you. $156,000! My telescopes were not quite that expensive. I own 4, three of them I purchased used. The one new one is the one in the picture.

Of the two hobbies, the astronomy one takes me away from the family. None of my family really has an interest. They told me that when I am with the Lord, they are liquidating all of my equipment. So, when I am out looking, I am usually alone. I would like to change that and am thinking about starting a club here in Gibson.
Anyway, I would be less than honest if I did not think that at times I should be rid of all of it and give away the money and invest the time else where. But then, there is something about developing more in our lives than simply work. We were, I believe, created to work. But, we were also created to be creative. And, participating in a hobby broadens our world, opens opportunities, increases our knowledge, expands our horizons, and invigorates our imaginations.
So, I guess as long as I feel, to some degree, the tension, as long as I seek to be moderate and am open to abandoning it all should the Lord call me to do so, as long as I hold it all loosely, as long as it does not become a god, does not injure my testimony, does not hijack my faith, does not impede my service - then it can be a good thing. What do you think about hobbies?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Cyber Community, Connection, Talking
And yet, for all the shortfalls, it DOES connect us in a way we have not been doing. It does provide the opportunity for legitimate expressions of love, for tangible and viable opportunities to meet needs. And, maybe I am taking it all to a place where we don't need to go. Maybe cyber community is about having some fun with other folks, a light touch, but a touch nonetheless.
Anyway, I do have to be careful with my time. And, I don't want to loose face to face, hand to hand contact with people. As good as cyber communities may be, they can never, ever replace the need for us to sit together, face one another, share our joys, burdens, prayers, concerns, and victories together.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Dear Deer

Dear me. You have caused quite a stir. For some reason you have adopted our church property as your residence. Some see it as a miracle, a sign. Of what, I am not sure. I do not sense any increased "blessing" since you showed up. Now, if tomorrow, someone walked in and paid our church building off, then I might change my mind. In fact, I still think you (please don't take offense) might be a goat. My grandpa raised goats and you bear a striking resemblance to them. But, you don't smell like them. Regardless, Dear Deer, I would tell you to be careful. For one thing, you are way too trusting. You let us get too close and I fear that one day someone will want to get close to decide whether White Deer is as tasty as Brown Deer. And then there is highway. Cars and Semi Trucks are not your friends. Stay far, far away from them. Someone talked about trying to capture you and put you in a pen as curiosity for folks to come and see. Somehow that seems to take the joy out of things.
I would suggest, Dear Deer, that you lay as low as possible. You are easy to spot, so try to keep a very low profile. Stay away from people wearing camo, don't be drawn to bright lights at night, and be wary of folks bearing gifts of corn.
Thanks for coming to see us.
Paul Thomason