But, I must confess, there was a bit of sadness that accompanied the trip. We went down to the home were my brother and I grew up and for the first time in my 51 years, someone else lived there besides my family. It looked different - whose car is that parked in OUR driveway? Who chopped down the bush my mother planted? Why have they not mowed the barnyard? And, there was a visit to the graveyard. I just cannot imagine that both my parents now lie buried in Melder, Louisiana. Places come and go, but parents and family . . .
Some changes are good. Edith was married to my dad during the last years of his life. She provided amazing care for him and went far above the call of duty. She served sacrificially and we are indebted to her for it. Now, she has a very nice home at a nice location. She has made new friends and has found a new church. It was good to visit her.
One thing that did not change - it was awesome to get home!
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