Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hallelujah Chorus and a Funeral

Today we had a funeral that ended with a benediction I had never heard before - the Hallelujah Chorus.  I told someone that we had to be careful lest the celebratory nature of the song be misunderstood. There was no delight in death or in the death of this particular person.  But, before she died, she made sure that those of us planning her funeral end it with this glorious song.  She was no a person to be easily denied. So we did - end with the Hallelujah Chorus.  Her family exited the building behind her casket as the Chorus was being played.  I don't want to deny the pain and suffering of death.  We should not be flippant about it.  But, there is something about reminding ourselves of the resurrection of Jesus and the victory He provides over the grave.  I can't think of a much better way to do that than the Hallelujah Chorus.

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