"Once in a blue moon" is an old cliche expressing the rarity of an event. On the average, a "blue moon" happens every 2.7 years. It depends on who you ask, but most would say that a blue moon is when there are two full moons in a single month. That celestial event occurs this month, August 2012. To be specific, it transpires this Friday, August 31st. The weather is calling for clouds and rain. But, if there is an opening in the night sky - slip out and look at the blue moon. Here is a picture I took of a full moon from last year - I happened to have colored it blue. Blue moons are the same color the moon always is.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Moon Struck
I love looking at the moon. A lot of folks who look through telescopes are most excited when there is a "new moon" which means there is no moon visible during the night. The light of the moon tends to wash out the light of distant nebulae, galaxies, and star clusters. In other words, the darker the night sky the better.
But, God made the moon as the lesser light to rule the night. There is nothing quite like a full moon on a clear night when the ground is covered with snow. And when the moon is waxing, like it was like week when I took this photo, it shows amazing detail along the lunar limb - the edge of the visible surface. Click on the photo to enlarge it and look at some of the detail. Some have even photographed lunar impacts - an amazing feat.
Neil Armstrong died this past weekend. I remember clearly where I was when he stepped onto the surface of the moon. It was a long way from Melder, Louisiana to Tranquility Base. But, somehow, there was a connection - a human one. A man was on another planet. You cannot see what is left of his lunar lander through my telescope. But, you can see the mare where he and Buzz landed. And, you can try to imagine what it must have been like to step onto its surface.
Go out and look up. The moon is a wonderful sight to behold. Sometimes God's greatest creations are too easily overlooked.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
For the Birds
The Lord told us to be bird watchers. We are to observe the sparrows and from them learn lessons about God's care for us. Birds are fun. Like humans, they tend to come in all different shapes and sizes. I try to provide food plots (wildflowers and bird feeders) and water so as to attract birds to my yard. I am delighted when we have yellow finches stop by. They seem particularly attracted to our sunflowers.
And, we get hummingbirds. They make me smile. The honeysuckle brings them in as does the butterfly bush.
All these birds are gifts from the Lord to remind us of His creative power, His love of beauty, and His daily providential care. Do some bird watching these late summer days.
And, take your camera when you do so. I photographed all these in my yard - birds can be shy so you may need to be sly.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Let It Rain!
We were delighted last evening to look out and see a rainbow. Rainbows are free pleasures - God's gift - a symbol of grace. I took this picture at the end of our street looking west. Rainbows mean rain and the rain did and was falling.
We have a greater appreciation for rain these days. The drought has made us (me?) take it a lot less for granted. The rain falls on the just and the unjust says the Scripture. And, the drought also comes to the just and the unjust. I don't know that I understand or can explain the why of either. This summer, some folks have gotten rain that others could only see from a distance. You cannot lasso a rain cloud and pull it over your farm.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Election Selection?
This year my brother and I visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force which is located in Dayton, Ohio. If you read the post below, you will recognize that it was something my wife insisted on.
While there, we climbed aboard Sam 2600 - Air Force One to President Kennedy and President Johnson. It was cool to think about the places this jet had been. And, it was also a bit sad - it was the means of bringing President Kennedy's body from Texas to Washington in the fall of 1963.
My brother took this "presidential" picture as I exited the plane this Spring. You can see the seal of the president on the door. I could not resist giving the peace sign - in honor of the imagery of President Nixon as he departed the White House.
Who are you going to vote for President in November? It is a privilege to be part of the process. The president has some awesome perks including a jet in which to tool around the world. He does not have to wait in line, take his shoes off for security, sit in cramped seats next to a guy who is either snoring or talking your ear off. He gets good food, has the bathroom to himself, and gets priority placement when it comes to landing and taking off. But, with those perks comes some heavy responsibilities and risks. It is amazing how being president seems to age people dramatically. We are exhorted in the Scripture to pray for them. Governments are raised up by God and governments are put down by God. Ultimately, it is to Him that we look for our help and our strength.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
If your wife loves air plane museums, I would encourage you to stop at the one by Robbins AFB. They have a wonderful collection. It is one of the cleanest museums in which I have been and the people who volunteer/work there are wonderful.
If you get there soon after they open - which is when Connie really wanted to be there - you have the whole museum practically to yourself. It was a bit lonely walking among all of these amazing airplanes without anyone sighing or rushing me, but, I figured that I would do it - for her.
I happen to like museums as well. It is intriguing to get up close and personal with all sorts of things - in this case very complex machines that did some very amazing things. But, there is also a certain melancholy at a museum. These are stabled horses which will never roam the ranges again. Churches must not become museums They can - if we do not allow the Spirit to have His way with us. He brings life - and that more abundantly.
Monday, August 6, 2012
This is the porch on a cabin near Asheville, N.C. Connie and I recently met some friends here and visited for a few days - often on this porch. For me, it was the best part of the cabin. It was a place to visit, to read, to look out and see the woods around us.
When we moved to Gibson City, my wife had prayed for a house with a porch. The Lord graciously answered her prayer. She loves it and I love it. This summer, it has been a bit hot to sit there during the day. But, the mornings and evenings on it are nice.
Porches are good for us. They invite us to leave the confines of our homes and step out. I will never allow a television on the porch. We do sometimes listen to some music while sitting there. Porches help us to see the world around us. Our neighbors may even get to know us through the vehicle of the porch.
My dad was a porch sitter. He especially enjoyed a porch after a rain or late in the afternoon. Rocking chairs were invented for porches. So was ice tea. I hope you are able to enjoy a porch. If not, you can come and borrow ours some time.
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