Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Gifts - A Ride in the Past

Thomas a Kempis: "Be thankful for the smallest blessing . . . Value the least gifts no less than the greatest, and the simple graces as especial favors.  If you remember the dignity of the Giver, no gift will seem small or mean, for nothing can be valueless that is given by the most high God."

I am a blessed man.  Two weeks ago Eric J offered me the opportunity to take a ride with him in a Ford Tri-Motor.  This particular airplane is 83 years old and is owned and operated by the Kalamazoo Air Zoo.  They did an amazing job in restoring it.  The Tri-Motor was built as a passenger plane.  Later, it proved to be a reliable cargo plane.  Some were used as forest fire fighters.  About 200 were made.

The plane is noisy but comfortable.  I loved the sound of the three reciprocating engines.  We took off from the Bloomington airport and trundled over the city.  It was not hard to image that we were back during the "golden age" of flying.  Ten people could be seated in the airplane at once - not including the pilot and co-pilot.  There was no in-flight entertainment or service!  The flight lasted about 20 minutes.

This is the second vintage airplane I have flown in and both times it was through the kindness and generosity of others.  I was thrilled with the flights. I am humbled by the kindness of the Gifts.  Thanks, Eric, for an amazing afternoon.  Remember - you can click on the pics for a larger version.

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