Friday, November 2, 2012

Promises, Promises

A little over a month ago, we had an amazingly vivid rainbow appear over Gibson City.  The photo does not do it justice.  Rainbows remind us of promises - in particular God's promise to not destroy the world again by flood - although the poor folks on the East coast may be wondering about this.  

I have been thinking about promises.  Currently, I am reading Living Into Community which is written by Christine Pohl.  I recommend the book.  It is about cultivating practices that are sustaining to us.  One of those practices she addresses is promise keeping.  Negatively she says: "When we break promises, we also betray relationships and erode community. Small betrayals often do a surprising amount of damage.  They involve other broken practices - deception instead of speaking the truth, absence instead of welcome, grumbling and envy instead of gratitude".   Ouch.  Promise keeping can be complex.  But, in most of our worlds, we need to make the call we promised to make, stay faithful to the mate we promised to stay faithful to, pray for the person we promised to pray for, and honor the Lord we vowed to honor.  

The book has been a wonderful reminder for me.  And, it makes me eternally grateful that God keeps His promises.

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