Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Surprise Surprise!!!!!

Some surprises are not very nice.  I was diagnosed with cancer this summer - surprise - not nice.  Some surprises are awesome.  My wonderful daughter calls her mother and me and informs us that she is married.  She had done what she had said she would do - eloped.  I guess it should not have been a complete surprise. She and Tyler, a handsome young man she had dated since high school, had decided to be a bit less traditional and do a "ten dollar - ten minute" wedding.  It was not a spontaneous decision on their part.  They had thought long and hard about it.

So I now have a son-in-law.  He loves my daughter and is very good to her.  I am grateful to have him as an addition to our family.  They are doing well.  Now, if they will only surprise me with some grandchildren!!!!!!!!!

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