It is Monday morning and I feel a little bit blue. Nothing new, nothing serious. Why? Being physically tired has something to do with it. Anyone who thinks preaching is not draining has not done it. There is more to it than the physical weariness. Being with the people you love on Sunday is for me - energizing, exciting, and empowering. But, everyone has to get back to their homes and jobs. It is a bit like when your kids leave and go back to college after being home for a weekend. Their departure always leaves me a bit blue. For a pastor, the week builds toward a crescendo - Sunday becomes a focal point. Then, Sunday is over and the week gets started again. And, on Monday morning, you feel like you are back at the bottom of the hill climbing up - again. Monday is also a day with some self examination - "I should have said this", or "I should not have said this". Usually I feel like I came up short. Did I get the meaning of the text correct, was so and so offended by what I said, did this person sense they were welcomed, did that person have someone pray with them about their burden, and, and, and. But you dare not go too far down that road. The Lord knows our feet are but clay and that we are dust. It is all of Him. No matter how eloquent, no matter how friendly, no matter how thoughtful - it is all ashes if He is not in it. And, if His Spirit chooses, He can take Moses and Balaams' donkey and use them for His glory. Such reminders are great encouragers on Monday morning. A fresh cup of coffee, some promises from the Word, and the comfort of God's grace grant strength and endurance.
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