For what it is worth, this is the prayer I wrote for the Memorial Day Service held yesterday in Gibson:
Eternal and Sovereign and Gracious God, the One Who raises up Kings and sets down Kings, the One Who establishes nations and brings down nations, to You we offer praise and thanksgiving for Your gracious gift of our nation. We cast ourselves onto Your continued mercies and faithfulness pleading with You to continue to bless us. God, please bless America, it is the land that we love. Stand beside her and guide her through our night with Your light from above. God, please bless America, our home, sweet home.
Thank You for providng us with sons and daughters who have given their lives for our peace and prosperity. Help us to never forget that they would have chosen to have experienced the beaty of this day, but instead lie beneath the earth, their lives topped short, their dreams unfulfilled, their time cut short. Bless their famlies who still live with the pain of their absence.
Help us to never forget that the beauty of our spacious skies, our purple mountain majesties, our fruited plains have come because You have shed Your grace on us. Please continue to give us that grace because we do know, one great and glorious day, our eyes will see the glory of the coming of the Lord and that You will be trampling out the vintage where the grapes of Your wrath are stored and that You will loose the fateful lightining of Your terrible and swift sword - help us in that day to be found walking in Your grace, seeking Your face, and thankful forYour mercies and truth.