Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Check Out Mars!

A lot of misinformation has been on the web about how large Mars would appear to the naked eye at this particular period of time.  Some sites were claiming Mars would be as large as the moon!  That is impossible unless Mars and the Earth moves a significant distnace closer to one another.  Which, if that happens, would give us bigger issues with which to concern ourselves than how big and bright Mars appears.

What is true is that this month Mars is closer to us than it has been or will be in our life time and that it is bright.  In fact, it is the brightest object in the evening sky except for the Moon and the star Sirius.  You know it is Mars because it is rust colored.  Look in the Eastern sky around 8:00 P.M. You do not need a telescope or binoculars to enjoy seeing it.  All that does need to happen is for the clouds to part! 

And, while you are looking at it, think about the two rovers currently sitting on the surface of Mars and the biggy brains necessary to get them there.  I think the initial life expectancy of the two rovers was 90 days and they have been going strong for 6 years.  Pretty amazing.

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