There is something about water that is relaxing and refreshing. This was a waterfall Connie and I saw north of Vancouver, B.C. The photo does not do it justice in terms of its beauty. The Psalmist has written My God, my soul is in despair within me; Therefore I remember You from the land of the Jordan and the peaks of Hermon, from Mount Mizar. Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me. The LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night . . . The grace of God rolls over us like waves - and they are refreshing.
This past week has been a roller coaster. I cannot imagine the grief of the families of the two girls who died Tuesday morning. Everything about that event still seems a bit surrealistic to me. The world is not the way it is suppose to be. There are no simple answers. May God's grace roll over the families like waves. I was so pleased that we could offer some solace by providing the church building to the family who requested it and by volunteering time and workers. We estimated about a thousand people were at the visitation. How good it was to see people willing to serve.
Sunday morning was an exhilarating experience. We witnessed how the providential grace of God orchestrates a persons life so that they are deployed in kingdom work in ways they never thought imaginable. "Here I am, send me" was clearly demonstrated for us all to see. Joe Andris would not have believed, a year ago, that he would be spending the winter as a short-term missionary on Copper Island. But, he is. His willingness to do so was a potent testimony. May the Lord's grace roll over Joe like the waters that surround the island on which he will be working.
The worship this past Sunday was powerful. Keith and Sue do a great job. They invest so much time and effort and prayer and energy into seeking to provide God-honoring worship - and they do. May they also find refreshment in God's grace.
Sunday evening there was a pot-luck/carry-in/provide food for everyone else supper for the small group that meets here at the building. About 30 folks showed up. The food was delicious and the conversations around the table energizing. We laughed together, prayed together, grieved together, and shared together. Such relationships are some of the water of grace that God pours into our lives.
When I got home Sunday evening I was bushed. And, the water of God's grace came in the form of playing a game with my son and wrestling with my dog and a hug from my wife. Refreshing water - deep, cool, clear water. Sometimes it seems we are in the desert. And then, the rain comes, streams of mercy are ours and they refresh us. Heaven has a river in it. I look forward to sitting by the shore of it and celebrating the wonderful grace of Jesus.
This past week has been a roller coaster. I cannot imagine the grief of the families of the two girls who died Tuesday morning. Everything about that event still seems a bit surrealistic to me. The world is not the way it is suppose to be. There are no simple answers. May God's grace roll over the families like waves. I was so pleased that we could offer some solace by providing the church building to the family who requested it and by volunteering time and workers. We estimated about a thousand people were at the visitation. How good it was to see people willing to serve.
Sunday morning was an exhilarating experience. We witnessed how the providential grace of God orchestrates a persons life so that they are deployed in kingdom work in ways they never thought imaginable. "Here I am, send me" was clearly demonstrated for us all to see. Joe Andris would not have believed, a year ago, that he would be spending the winter as a short-term missionary on Copper Island. But, he is. His willingness to do so was a potent testimony. May the Lord's grace roll over Joe like the waters that surround the island on which he will be working.
The worship this past Sunday was powerful. Keith and Sue do a great job. They invest so much time and effort and prayer and energy into seeking to provide God-honoring worship - and they do. May they also find refreshment in God's grace.
Sunday evening there was a pot-luck/carry-in/provide food for everyone else supper for the small group that meets here at the building. About 30 folks showed up. The food was delicious and the conversations around the table energizing. We laughed together, prayed together, grieved together, and shared together. Such relationships are some of the water of grace that God pours into our lives.
When I got home Sunday evening I was bushed. And, the water of God's grace came in the form of playing a game with my son and wrestling with my dog and a hug from my wife. Refreshing water - deep, cool, clear water. Sometimes it seems we are in the desert. And then, the rain comes, streams of mercy are ours and they refresh us. Heaven has a river in it. I look forward to sitting by the shore of it and celebrating the wonderful grace of Jesus.

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