Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lavender Toilet

This past week someone had deposited a lavender toilet in our yard.  Where I grew up, this might not be a surprise, but in Gibson City . . . Upon closer inspection, we discovered the motive was right.  It was there to raise money for cancer research.  The connection?  You make a donation to Relay for Life to have the toilet removed from your yard.  And, quite deviously, you get to choose the person into whose yard it is deposited next.  Turnabout is fair play.  So, we sent it on to a neighbor.  It is an ingenious idea.  I certainly did not want the thing permanently placed in our front yard.  Again, some places I have lived may not have had an issue with a purple toilet in the yard.  But, in Gibson City, not so much!


bren said...

Dad would have loved that toilet for "ye old basement"...he would have tried to hide it in the back of the Escape on a trip home lol

Anonymous said...

I want the purple toilet.